the website of Doug Joiner,
Childer Wood Heavy Horses

Homepage Horse Logging Training Courses Horse Logging Equipment Woodland Products Shows Links British Horse Loggers

Horse logging courses

Working horses and ponies offer an "appropriate technology" for forest-friendly timber extraction.

The ultimate low impact "base machine"; they can be used on at low capital cost to work with a range of equipment in environmentally sensitive sites
or on steep or difficult terrain; working alongside or replacing tractors and heavy machinery.



The 5-day introductory course provides a sound skill base for the extraction of timber with horses in a variety of woodland conditions. It is now available with a Level II qualification, subject to payment of a registration and assessment fee, satisfactory completion of the course and a work book, as an option.

The course begins with an introduction to the care, harnessing and long-reining of the working horse.
Doug will then demonstrate and discuss the various options concerning horses, harness and equipment, suitable extraction methods, identifying and tackling hazards, risk assessments etc. before plenty of supervised practice.

Come prepared for a physical, hands-on week. Each course has a maximum of four participants.

The courses are tutored by Doug Joiner with occasional support.

Dates are inclusive. Please check availability before booking. Booking is only confirmed upon receipt of deposit or full payment. Booking conditions are printed on the booking form.

"Thanks for an absolutely brilliant week. I have to say it was the best structured and most enjoyable course that I can ever remember being on. I have come away with a lot of ideas buzzing around my head and, if it's OK with you, I'll be back in touch for some more guidance and help in the future"

Course student feedback


start time on first day



2014 dates

13 - 18 October

Childer Wood and Clissett Wood Development Week












£30 to cover food costs. General food supplies will be available including tea, coffee and biscuits. Catered at lunchtime. Breakfast and dinner DIY.

Take some firewood home.

Bring a bottle and take home some juice.








work to include;

Horse Work. Coppicing. Firewood.

Planting and 'beating up' oak, wild service and cherry.

Firewood and apple gathering in the orchards - appple pressing

Clear Workshops. Bench Making. Workshop Equipment Making. General Tidy Up.

Click here for more details and here






2015 DATES:

9 - 13 March




Level II fees for 2015 reduced from £610 to £600


£600 Level II




£250 Level II



4 - 8 May




£600 Level II


£250 Level II

7 - 11 September





£600 Level II


£250 Level II








I offer a non qualification option along with a Level II qualification on the same week, the customer to decide on booking! The Level II option offers a recognised qualification and is charged at £150 extra to cover the costs of registration, certification and the additional administration.

For registration on the OCN courses I need to have your date of birth, sorry!

Tutors: Doug Joiner and Mike Paddock For copies of directions, other useful information and all course handouts <<click here>>
Venue: Childer Wood Please note: Basic facilities only in Childer Wood. The course will be entirely outdoors and suitable clothing is essential. A detailed syllabus and a list of personal protective equipment will be supplied on booking.












Five day introductory group courses form part of the overall woodland management strategy. Suitable produce is used by Gudrun Leitz in her greenwood furniture and greenwood courses throughout the year.

The woods offer ideal and varied timber and terrain for a full range of training programmes: introductory and advanced courses for aspiring and started horse loggers, training for woodland owners and managers who wish to introduce horse logging as a cost effective and appropriate timber extraction technology.

Horses are also gently started and well schooled for work in all gears, along with their owners.

Doug Joiner is a professional horse logger and qualified trainer, working for statutory, national and local bodies, various woodland and wildlife trusts and many small woodland owners.

He specialises in short contract work and provides small group tuition and demonstrations at shows all over the country. He also takes his horses into schools or has school groups visit him in the woods.

For more pictures on harness, harnessing, using long/trace gears and shafts <<click here>>

Booking Form <<click here>>

For full ordering and payment details <<click here>>.



Childer Wood is neighbour to Clissett Wood, the nationally acclaimed green wood work centre where
Gudrun Leitz runs her busy programme of training courses throughout the summer.
Contact her on 01531 640125 or visit her website, www.greenwoodwork.co.uk


contact Doug by phone or fax: (+44) 01531 640 236 or on his mobile: (+44) 07773 900 751